Continuing from part 1, here I'll describe a little bit more of what I found interesting.
Tourist to Population Ratio
I ended up adding another tab on the dashboard, because I wanted to see which countries have high tourist to population ratios (TPR). This would just be the number of tourists divided by the population. To make it simple, I only focused on 2017 numbers.
Vatican City Has the Highest TPR
The Vatican is the clear winner here. With a population of only 792, the TPR comes to 11,971. Wow!

Japan has the highest TPR (0.07) for countries over 125M
I consider Japan my second home and I was surprised to see that Japan comes in first at 0.07 for countries with a population over 125 million.

In further research, I stumbled across this article from the Japan Times which suggests the number of tourists in 2017 for Japan actually reached 28.7 million. This would put the TPR at a whopping 0.23! The article also mentions that 2017 did have a surge in tourism of 19.3% from the previous year.
With the 2020 Olympics on the horizon, I can't imagine what trying to ride the subway will be like during that time. The government is expecting the number of tourists to reach 40M. Applying the same calculation as above, this would mean an increase from 18 tourists to 24 tourists for every 100 people in during the 2020 Olympics.
Assuming most tourists go to Tokyo, the number gets even more insane. According to WorldPopulationReview.com, Tokyo will have a population of about 37M next year. So during July-August of 2020, we can expect the Tokyo population to more than double by including tourists.
To read about how I created the dashboard, check out Part 1 of this blog.