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Power BI   |  Game Development

  • Writer's pictureBrent Jones

What are the Most Common Ju-Jutsu Injuries? Power BI Viz

Updated: Feb 14, 2021


I've recently started training in MMA and Brazilian Ju-Jutsu. I've done a little Kickboxing in the past before, but Ju-Jutsu is completely new to me. So I was wondering what the most common injuries are for the sport.

A quick Google search yielded me a nice summary chart you can find here.

Since we are talking about bodily injuries, what better way than to use Power BI + Synoptic Designer. Take a look for yourself!

As it turns out, hands and fingers are reported to incur the most amount of injuries. Though to be honest, I was surprised (glad) to see that neck injuries were not as common.


Here is a video of the design process:

You can start on your own Synoptic Design at


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